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Every day, most of us face the same question: what to cook? What veggies or groceries are there in the kitchen? What grocery items are getting over? Which ones are going to get bad or have gone bad? And because of bad stock management of veggies and groceries, we end up wasting most of the perishable grocery items that we order online.

What to cook?

What do I have in the kitchen?

A passionate home cook with a bustling household. Like many of us, Neha often found herself staring into her fridge, wondering what to cook for dinner.


She struggled with keeping track of her groceries, often buying items she already had or forgetting about perishables until it was too late.


Meet Neha

Frustrated by the amount of food she was wasting each week, Neha knew there had to be a better way to manage her kitchen stock.

Many individuals face challenges in effectively managing their kitchen stock, leading to food wastage and inefficiencies in meal planning. The lack of visibility into available ingredients, impending expiry dates, and poor stock management practices contribute to this issue.

Problem Statement:

"The goal of StockBuddy is to revolutionize kitchen management by providing users with a user-friendly platform to track groceries, manage inventory, plan meals, and minimize unnecessary purchases.

We aim to empower users to make informed decisions about their groceries, reduce food wastage, and create a more sustainable kitchen environment"

  1. Difficulty in keeping track of groceries and knowing what's available in her kitchen.

  2. Lack of visibility into impending expiry dates, leading to food wastage.

  3. Inefficient meal planning process, resulting in unnecessary purchases and wasted ingredients.

  4. Desire to adopt more sustainable kitchen practices but unsure where to start.

Neha's Pain Points:

StockBuddy was born to make kitchen life simpler and reduce food wastage.

StockBuddy’s vision is to empower individuals and families to create a more sustainable and organized kitchen environment by providing a user-friendly, intuitive app that simplifies grocery and inventory management.


StockBuddy is here to make your kitchen life a breeze! Our goal is to keep things simple and cut down on kitchen chaos

Freshness, warmth, softness, balance and the vibrant energy of a well-stocked kitchen.


Readability, clean, geometric and modern look




StockyBuddy is not just an app; it's a solution to a common problem faced by individuals like Sarah who want to enjoy cooking without the stress of managing their kitchen stock.


By providing a user-friendly platform to track groceries, manage inventory, plan meals, and minimize food wastage, StockyBuddy empowers users to become kitchen heroes and conquer food wastage one meal at a time.


This case study is a conceptual project does not represent an actual implemented project. Its purpose is to showcase applied design principles and techniques for educational and illustrative purposes only. The content in this project has been written with the help of AI. The illustration used is AI generated

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